- Drama club
- Music Club
- Dance Club
Drama Club
Dramatic Club can challenge students′ perception about their world and about themselves. Dramatic exploration can provide students with an outlet for emotions, thoughts, and dreams that they might not otherwise have means to express. A student can, if only for a few moments, become another, explore a new role, try out and experiment with various personal choices and solutions to very real problems from their own life or problem faced by characters in literature or by the historical figures. This can happen in a safe atmosphere. The actions and consequences can be examined, discussed, and in a very real sense experienced without the dangers that such experimentation would obviously lead to in the “real” world. This is the most important reason for dramatic arts in Baba.
Music club
Studying music encourages self-discipline and diligence that carry over into intellectual pursuits. This leads to effective study and work habits. We have several musical instruments with sufficient numbers such as drums, keyboards, guitars, harmoniums etc. Vocal training is given in a regular basis. Creating and performing music promotes self-expression and provides self-gratification while giving pleasure to others. Our children get opportunity to perform live in all kinds of events. For all these reasons, it deserves strong support in our educational system, along with the other co-curricular activities.
Dance Club
Our Dance Club has tremendous effects on our children. Dance is a natural method for learning and a basic form of cultural expression. In dance club, children learn movements and patterns readily as they learn language. Just as all societies create forms of visual representation or organize sounds into music, all cultures organize movement and rhythm into one or more forms of dance. Dance is a powerful collaborator for developing many of the attributes of a growing child; it also helps children mature physically, emotionally, socially and cognitively.