Parents- Teachers Conference- Bridging the Gap between Home and School
The regular communication between home and school plays vital role for the academic success of students. Each student is different and learns differently, and that no one knows the child better than the parents. Thus, we welcome input from the parents about their children and also receive their feedback about the school by conducting Parents- Teachers Conference (PTC). We believe that this kind of partnership between the home and school will help children succeed in school. PTC is an opportunity for the school to discuss various issues interfering with students’ learning and growth, to share academic progress and growth of students and discuss strategies to support student’s learning. PTC is found helpful to understand parents’ perspective towards school and find out the factors outside the school that is affecting student’s mood, behavior and studies. We appreciate all the parents for their genuine feedback, concern and participation in PTC. This will definitely support to upgrade the quality of school and bring expected positive changes.
#Babaschool #activelearning # parentsteachersconference #kathmandu #Nepal